Bathroom Tower Rotork Controls, Bath, UK. Plan & Exterior Rotork Controls, Bath, UK. Interiors: Canteen Area In Rotork, Bath, UK (Top) & Offices In Rotork, USA (Bottom) Herman Miller. Plan & Exterior

About this talk

Running time: 27 minutes

Nick Grimshaw set up in practice in London in 1965 with Terry Farrell (see A More Plastic Form and Transport & Urban Design) as the Farrell/Grimshaw Partnership, and they immediately attracted attention with a tower of capsule bathrooms added to the back of a students' hostel in a Victoria building in London.

They came to be numbered among the few outstanding young architects who combine in their work a high level of technological innovation with a fundamentalist attitude to problem-solving. Their commissioned work has fallen into most categories, but in his talk, Grimshaw confines himself to the industrial side. He speaks about flexibility, amenity, environment, and the users, and he illustrates his themes with the work of his firm.

Please note that a transcript of this talk is available - please contact us for further details.

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw

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