Running time: 47 minutes
Cecil Balmond, former deputy chairman of Ove Arup & Partners, and now with his own practice Balmond Studio, is one of the most important engineers of his generation. In this talk he charts his career, his relationship with Sir Ove Arup, his work with architects such as Serge Chermayeff (see see Environmental Design Is Our Task) and James Stirling (see Oscillating), the development of his approach to the relationship of architecture and engineering and his ground-breaking designs with Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Libeskind (see Royal Ontario Museum) and Álvaro Siza.
In 2000 he set up his own design team - the Advance Geometry Unit within Arups. He was formerly visiting Kenzo Tange Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Architecture and Saarinen Professor at Yale University School of Architecture, and currently holds the Paul Philippe Cret Chair at PennDesign, the position once held by Louis Kahn (see Buildings Know How They Should Be Built), where he is developing a radical programme on the generation of form.
Please note that a transcript of this talk is available - please contact us for further details.
Cecil Balmond
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