Running time: 42 minutes
Michael Pawlyn set up his practice Exploration Architecture after working on Grimshaw's Eden Project (see also Andrew Whalley's The Eden Project). His work focuses on biomimicry, the practice of design that draws inspiration from how problems have been solved in nature.
Pawlyn says there is a failure within the architectural industry to rise to the joint challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss, and that the current design of buildings and cities is based on extractive models that harm our natural support systems. We have to reverse that, he says, and become truly regenerative in our relationship with the rest of the living world.
In this talk, he explores examples of his work, including the Sahara Forest Project, a biomimetic office building, a zero waste textile factory and a mountain data centre. He discusses the inspirational figures who have helped to shape his thinking and explains why he helped set up Architects Declare A Climate & Biodiversity Emergency.
Recorded in March 2020.
Please note that a transcript of this talk is available - please contact us for further details.
Michael Pawlyn
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