Running time: 30 minutes
Herman Hertzberger, born in Holland, graduated in architecture in 1958 at the Technical University of Delft, and has run his own practice ever since. He has been Professor of Architecture at his Delft 'alma mater' since 1970, and at the University of Geneva since 1986. He has also been visiting professor at many American universities over the years. From 1959 - 1963 he was one of the group (with Aldo van Eyck and Jaap Bakema) which edited the important Dutch magazine "Forum".
He has completed a great number of projects, among them the famous Central Beheer in Apeldoorn, the Vredenburg Music Centre in Utrecht, the Apollo Schools in Amsterdam, and housing for the IBA, Berlin.
He described these and other projects at a talk at the Architectural Association in London, and this recording is a condensed version of this talk, which accounts for the background sounds.
Introducing him, Peter Buchanan said: "Herman Hertzberger is one of the few architects whose work amounts to an oeuvre that is consequent... His work is full of ideas, full of commitments by the architect, something you can analyse and ponder over years. It has nothing to do with style or fashion, it's about life itself and the reciprocity of human life and habitat".
Please note that a transcript of this talk is available - please contact us for further details.
Herman Hertzberger
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