Poster For Designers' Saturday Symbol For Stravinsky Festival Flexible Symbol For Pirelli Symbol For Architectural Practice

About this talk

Running time: 29 minutes

Alan Fletcher, one of Britain's top graphic designers, was an art student in London in the 1950s. But it was not until he studied and worked in the USA that he found his vocation. This in time led to his becoming design consultant to the Time Life group in London. At this point he also teamed up with Colin Forbes and Bob Gill to form the immediately successful partnership Fletcher Forbes & Gill.

Later Gill left and the architect Theo Crosby (see The Integration Of The Arts) and the product designer Kenneth Grange (see Design & Marketing Conundrums) joined them, and the group changed its name to Pentagram and was able to offer a much enlarged range of services. They have numbered most of the world's prestigious industrial companies among their clients.

In Fletcher's recording, he is concerned with taking out of context the essential idea of his designs. Graphic design being a method of communicating ideas to people, he describes and illustrates many ways in which he has done this, demonstrating his fertile and innovative approach.

Please note that a transcript of this talk is available - please contact us for further details.

Alan Fletcher

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