Project For Kiosk In British Museum Forecourt. The Forecourt Today Project For Kiosk In British Museum Forecourt. Sketch Of Kiosk Project For Kiosk In British Museum Forecourt. Engraving By Lepautre Of The Place Vendôme By Jules Hardouin-Mansart Project For Kiosk In British Museum Forecourt. Plan Of Kiosk

About this talk

Running time: 35 minutes

Bob Allies, Edinburgh trained and a Rome Scholar from 1983 - 1987, set up in partnership with Graham Morrison in London in 1984. Together they have produced distinguished, widely recognised architecture and have won a number of competitions in the UK. Allies speaks for both of them when he says that their approach is a Modernist one, which brings into the brief the aspect of context. For them architecture has to develop out of a "tabula inscripta" and not the "tabula rasa" of the 1960s.

Their architecture responds to the ways existing places can be transformed to a set of new conditions. This is illustrated in the work they discuss in their talk.

This is the first of two talks from Bob, the second can be found here The Building & The City.

Please note that a transcript of this talk is available - please contact us for further details.

Bob Allies

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